Adult Learning at Temple Emanuel
Temple Emanuel will create innovative opportunities to engage, inspire and challenge our community. With a focus on building meaningful relationships amongst our adult population we will explore: Jewish education and literacy, Tikkun Olam, Jewish identity, and joyful celebration. We recognize this exciting time to invest in your personal connection to your Judaism and the Temple Emanuel community. We look forward to partnering with you.
Valley Beit Midrash
Valley Beit Midrash (a global center for learning and action) is a forward-thinking, pluralistic not-for-profit organization rooted in Jewish ethics that is committed to improving lives in our communities through Torah learning, social action, and leadership development.
Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning
Melton’s Adult Jewish learning programs are designed for you to interact and engage with Judaism on your terms. Developed by internationally recognized scholars, our courses inform and inspire seekers from all levels of knowledge. Explore the philosophy, wisdom and comedy in our shared tradition in a small classroom setting led by engaging teachers.
Register for classes on the Melton site
Sun, September 15 2024
12 Elul 5784
Coming Up
Thursday ,
SepSeptember 19 , 2024Valley Beit Midrash - What is Jewish Spirituality, and Why is it Vital for the Jewish Present and Future?
Thursday, Sep 19th 2:00p to 3:00p
Thursday ,
SepSeptember 19 , 2024EmanuElders
Thursday, Sep 19th 5:30p to 7:00p
Thursday ,
SepSeptember 26 , 2024EmanuElders
Thursday, Sep 26th 5:30p to 7:00p
Thursday ,
OctOctober 10 , 2024EmanuElders
Thursday, Oct 10th 5:30p to 7:00p
Thursday ,
OctOctober 17 , 2024EmanuElders
Thursday, Oct 17th 5:30p to 7:00p
Thursday ,
OctOctober 31 , 2024Valley Beit Midrash - The 2024 Election: Reflections on the Jewish Vote
Thursday, Oct 31st 2:00p to 3:00p
Thursday ,
NovNovember 14 , 2024Valley Beit Midrash - Judaism & Anti-Intellectualistm
Thursday, Nov 14th 2:00p to 3:00p