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Together, we begin our next journey.
Together, we celebrate our remarkable legacy.
Together, we build a future for our community.
Together, we invest in people, projects, and places that will inspire an extraordinary shared future.
Together, anything is possible.

Donate to the Campaign

For 150 years, Temple Emanuel has supported and inspired the Denver Jewish community. Now is the moment to build our shared future - to launch a vision for Temple Emanuel that is crucial and compelling for generations to come. The 150th Anniversary Campaign invites all of us to invest in our community, preserve our heritage, and sustain a sacred institution for future generations.

As we reflect on the critical importance of investing in Temple Emanuel, we cannot overlook the profound challenges facing Jews worldwide. Especially at this moment, we are deeply grateful for our exceptional congregation, which serves as a sanctuary and an inspiration, nurturing our hope, pride, and joy in our Jewish identity. In this supportive environment, we can unite and strengthen our resilience as a community.

We are committed to ensuring the financial future of the congregation, securing essential space and technology, engaging the diversity of our entire sacred community, and growing our leadership to serve our congregation and community. Temple Emanuel's 150th Anniversary Campaign will help us expand our reach, sustain our legacy, modernize our infrastructure, and serve the needs of our community and our neighbors.

To celebrate this unique and extraordinary moment in the life of our congregation, we have commissioned a new Torah scroll to honor our past and connect us to our future - a Torah for Tomorrow. Your gift to the Anniversary Campaign will be acknowledged in one of our Torah Societies.

  • Scribe Society - $1,000,000 and above
  • Book Society - $500,000 to $999,999
  • Portion Society - $250,000 to $499,999
  • Column Society - $100,000 to $249,999
  • Chapter Society - $50,000 to $99,999
  • Sentence/Verse Society - $10,000 to $49,999
  • Word Society - $5,000 to $9,999
  • Letter Society - $150 to $4,999

Gifts over $10,000 can be paid over three (3) years; Gifts over $250,000 can be paid over five (5) years.

We are deeply grateful for your continued support and involvement. Together, we can ensure that the next 150 years are as rich and meaningful as the last. Please contact Melissa Wittenberg, Development Director, at or call 303-388-4013 for more information.

Donate to the Campaign


Join us to learn more about the Senior Rabbi transition and the 150th Anniversary Campaign for Temple Emanuel!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025
5:30 PM
Envisioning Our Future: A Conversation for Religious School Families Grades Pre-K - 5th

Tuesday, February 11, 2025
5:00 PM
Envisioning Our Future: A Conversation for Teens and Adults

Tuesday, March 4, 2025
7:00 PM
Envisioning Our Future: A Conversation for Early Learning Center Parents

B’nai Mitzvah Program Families (Grades 6 & 7) will have the opportunity to engage in these conversations at scheduled B’nai Mitzvah events.


Dear Temple Emanuel Community,

Temple Emanuel is more than a place. It is our legacy, our memories, our cultural and spiritual home, and our community. For 150 years, we have shared moments of joy and difficulty with one another. We have created a congregation that reflects our values and propels our dreams.

Each of us feels so blessed to lead and be a part of this community. We feel the strength of our heritage, and we honor the tremendous courage of those who came before us. And now, we invite you to join us as we envision our future.

We know that Temple Emanuel will continue to play a fundamental role in the holy project of L'dor Vador - passing our Jewish values on to the next generation. The 150th Anniversary Campaign: Lighting our Legacy helps us all to do this - together.

We are excited to embark on a Senior Rabbi leadership transition as we capture the energy of our 150th Anniversary Year. From one generation of Senior Rabbis to another - from Rabbi Foster to Rabbi Black to Co-Senior Rabbis Hyatt and Sacks, we will work together to uphold both the solidity and the creativity that have always been the hallmark of our congregation.

What do we all see for our future at Temple Emanuel? We see a community that holds us up and stewards us through our hardest moments; where people feel connected to each other in Judaism's embrace and are guided by deep relationships with their clergy. We see a community which values strength of voice, depth of impact, and meaningful change in our own community and in our lived experiences. We see a community where we find holiness in each other, our sacred spaces, and in the connection to something larger than ourselves that has sustained our people for generations.

We see a community where Judaism inspires our lives - where everyday miracles lift us in our highest moments and bring us together into the future.

Please join us in this holy endeavor.

Your Temple Emanuel Leadership Team

Donate to the Campaign

Sat, February 15 2025 17 Sh'vat 5785