2025 Annual Fundraiser Concert
Saturday, February 1, 2025 • 3 Sh'vat 5785
7:30 PM - 10:00 PMHonoring Lee & Burt Levy and Brooke & Shelby Soltanovich
Featured Artist: The Long Run (Eagles Tribute Band)
The Long Run, 'Colorado's Tribute to The Eagles', hails from the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains in Northern Colorado. Born in 2009, the band immediately hit the road doing Fairs and festivals all over the Four Corners states-region, including many others. They have performed at the famous Paramount Theatre in downtown Denver and Red Rocks Amphitheater. The Long Run continues 13 years later, faithfully re-creating the 70's sound of America's best-selling Rock Band in history.
Sponsor or Advertise to Support the Fundraiser
Sponsors: We hope that we can count on you to be a sponsor for this always fantastic event. As a sponsor, you will be treated to a private cocktail reception before the concert, enjoy assigned premier seats to the concert and have the opportunity to send Lee & Burt Levy and Brooke & Shelby Soltanovich and the Temple a message in our Tribute Book. If you are unable to join us, we will be privately screening the concert on our website for sponsors and ticket holders.
Advertisers: Support the Temple with a greeting, a partial page advertisement, or even a full-page.
Please Note: Tickets will no longer be mailed. Tickets will be available at Will Call in the Grape Street foyer before the concert, beginning at 6:00 PM. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the concert begins at 7:30 p.m.
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