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Sponsor the Torah for Tomorrow

In Deuteronomy 31:19, Moses speaks to the Israelites at the end of his life and tells them: “Now, write down these words and teach them to the Children of Israel – put them into their mouths.” From this, our sages concluded that every one of us is responsible to actually write a Sefer Torah. This is considered to be the 613th – or very last -commandment in the Torah. Most of us do not possess the skills to take pen to parchment and write. We can, however, participate in a communal effort to create a new scroll for our community.

Our new Torah will not only be beautiful, but it will also be a physical and spiritual reminder of the role of Torah in our lives – and that of our synagogue. Every member of Temple Emanuel will have an opportunity to sponsor a part of our new Sefer Torah – be it an entire book, chapter, parasha, verse, or even a letter. We look forward to sharing in this exciting project together.

Please contact Francie Miran, Development Director, at, with any questions or for additional information.

Your Information

Your Torah for Tomorrow Sponsorship Selections

  • Name the Sefer Torah - Contact Francie Miran
  • One of the Five Books of Moses - Contact Francie Miran
  • Torah Vestments - from $2,400
  • Events, Themes, or Passages - $3,600
  • Holiday Portions - $3,600
  • The Ten Commandments - $5,000
  • Prayer Passages - from $3,600
  • Specific Parsha - $3,600
  • Aliyah - $1,800
  • Chapter - $1,000
  • Verse - $540
  • Word - $72
  • Letter - $36
Select from the sponsorship options below. A portion of your donation will go to support the Temple Emanuel Endowment Fund.

Please be sure to provide detail about which portion, verse, etc. you are sponsoring, if needed.

Torah Vestments

   Mantel Cover - $15,000.00 - 8 Open
   Mantel Cover for the High Holy Days - $15,000.00 - 8 Open
   Torah Rollers - $3,600.00 - Open
   Torah Crown - $3,600.00 - Open
   Torah Breast Plate - $3,600.00 - Open
   Torah Yad - $2,400.00 - Open
   Torah Hagorah (belt) - $2,400.00 - Open

Events, Themes, or Passages

   Cain & Abel - $3,600.00 - Open
   The Call of Abraham - $3,600.00 - Open
   Rebecca at the Well - $3,600.00 - Open
   Jacob, Rachel & Leah - $3,600.00 - Open
   Jacob's Dream - $3,600.00 - Open
   Joseph and His Brothers - $3,600.00 - Open
   The Burning Bush - $3,600.00 - Open
   The Ten Plagues - $3,600.00 - Open
   Crossing of the Red Sea - $3,600.00 - Open
   The Golden Calf - $3,600.00 - Open
   An Event, Theme, or Passage of Your Choosing (please specify) - $3,600.00

Holiday Portions

   Rosh HaShanah - $3,600.00 - Open
   Yom Kippur Morning - $3,600.00 - Open
   Yom Kippur Afternoon - $3,600.00 - Open
   Sukkot - $3,600.00 - Open
   Simchat Torah - $3,600.00 - Open
   Passover - $3,600.00 - Open
   Shavuot - $3,600.00 - Open

The Ten Commandments

   I am Adonai your God - $5,000.00 - Open
   You shall have no other gods but me - $5,000.00 - Open
   You shall not use God's name in vain - $5,000.00 - Open
   Remember and keep the Sabbath day holy - $5,000.00 - Open
   Honor your father and mother - $5,000.00 - Open
   You shall not murder - $5,000.00 - Open
   You shall not commit adultery - $5,000.00 - Open
   You shall not steal - $5,000.00 - Open
   You shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor - $5,000.00 - Open
   You shall not covet that which your neighbor has - $5,000.00 - Open

Prayer Passages

   Sh'ma - $5,000.00 - Open
   Priestly Blessing - $5,000.00 - Open
   Prayer for Healing - $5,000.00 - Open
   Mi Chamocha - $3,600.00 - Open
   Ma Tovu - $3,600.00 - Open
   Aleinu - $3,600.00 - Open
   V'ahavtah - $3,600.00 - Open
   A Prayer or Blessing of Your Choosing (please specify) - $3,600.00

Specific Parsha

   A Specific Parsha of Your Choosing (please specify) - $3,600.00

Specific Aliyah

   A Specific Aliyah of Your Choosing (please specify) - $1,800.00

Specific Chapter

   A Specific Chapter of Your Choosing (please specify) - $1,000.00

Specific Verse

   A Specific Verse of Your Choosing (please specify) - $540.00

Specific Word

   A Specific Word of Your Choosing (please specify) - $72.00

Specific Letter

   A Specific Letter of Your Choosing (please specify) - $36.00

Enter an amount without the $.
Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784