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We are very excited to initiate a key piece of our celebration that will serve Temple
Emanuel well into the future: the commissioning of a new Sefer Torah scroll.

In Deuteronomy 31:19, Moses speaks to the Israelites at the end of his life and tells them: “Now, write down these words and teach them to the Children of Israel – put them into their mouths.” From this, our sages concluded that every one of us is responsible to actually write a Sefer Torah. This is considered to be the 613th – or very last -commandment in the Torah. Most of us do not possess the skills to take pen to parchment and write. We can, however, participate in a communal effort to create a new scroll for our community.

Our new Torah will not only be beautiful, but it will also be a physical and spiritual reminder of the role of Torah in our lives – and that of our synagogue. Every member of Temple Emanuel will have an opportunity to sponsor a part of our new Sefer Torah – be it an entire book, chapter, parasha, verse or even a letter. We look forward to sharing in this exciting project together.

Join us for the Torah for Tomorrow Kickoff on February 23rd!

Shabbat Evening Worship
Friday, February 23rd from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

No registration required. In honor of our 150th Anniversary, we are commissioning a new Sefer Torah scroll. Meet our Scribe, Jen Kamenetz and learn all about this exciting project. Shabbat dinner to follow.

Torah for Tomorrow Kick Off Dinner with Scribe Jen Kamenetz
Friday, February 23rd from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

Registration required. In honor of our 150th Anniversary, we are commissioning a new Sefer Torah scroll. Meet our Scribe, Jen Kamenetz, and learn all about this exciting project.

Register to Attend


The Hebrew word for a scribe of Jewish sacred texts used in ritual life is sofer (masculine) or soferet (feminine). Soferim are specifically scribes who can create sacred scrolls, tefillin, mezuzot and other religious writings. Although these scribes have transcribed the same texts by hand over and over for thousands of years, they are not merely copyists. Rather, soferim are highly trained specialists who apprentice with senior scribes for years to learn the art and tradition of scribing Jewish texts. Their work is beautiful and ornate, with each scribe developing their own style of calligraphy – almost as unique as a textual fingerprint. However, the most complex part of becoming a Jewish scribe is not perfecting one’s calligraphy or mastering the use of a quill and ink, but rather learning the thousands of laws that apply to the many different types of texts written on parchment.

We have commissioned a new Torah scroll to be created by Jen Kamenetz, a member of the female-only Stam Scribes collective. Jen has studied Jewish texts for many years in a variety of settings, and scribing brings together her love of those texts and the rich, layered world of Hebrew letters and language. In 2014, she began studying sofrut with Jen Taylor, the first woman known to have completed a Torah scroll. We are honored that Jen Kamenetz will write her first full sefer Torah for Temple Emanuel Denver. The Torah we create together will embody our profound reverence for our religious traditions and texts with our deep commitment to building an inclusive and expansive Jewish community for the future – it is truly a Torah for Tomorrow.


Sponsor the Torah for Tomorrow


Dedication Opportunity Dedication Amount
Sefer Torah Named $1,000,000


Dedication Opportunity - The Five Books of Moses Dedication Amount
Genesis $250,000
Exodus $250,000
Leviticus $250,000
Numbers $250,000
Deuteronomy $250,000


Dedication Opportunity - Torah Vestments Dedication Amount
Torah Mantel Cover (8 opportunities) $15,000
Torah Mantel Cover for the High Holy Days (8 opportunities) $15,000
Torah Rollers $3,600
Torah Crown $3,600
Torah Breast Plate $3,600
Torah Yad $2,400
Torah Hagorah (belt) $2,400

Dedication Opportunity - Events, Themes, or Passages Dedication Amount
Cain & Abel $3,600
The Call of Abraham $3,600
Rebecca at the Well $3,600
Jacob, Rachel & Leah $3,600
Jacob's Dream $3,600
Joseph and his Brothers $3,600
The Burning Bush $3,600
The Ten Plagues $3,600
Crossing of the Red Sea $3,600
The Golden Calf $3,600
Event, Theme, or Passage of Your Choosing $3,600


Dedication Opportunity - Holiday Portions Dedication Amount
Rosh Hashanah $3,600
Yom Kippur Morning $3,600
Yom Kippur Afternoon $3,600
Sukkot $3,600
Simchat Torah $3,600
Passover $3,600
Shavuot $3,600


Dedication Opportunity - The Ten Commandments Dedication Amount
I am Adonai your God $5,000
You shall have no other gods but me $5,000
You shall not use God's name in vain $5,000
Remember and keep the Sabbath day holy $5,000
Honor your father and mother $5,000
You shall not murder $5,000
You shall not commit adultery $5,000
You shall not steal $5,000
You shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor $5,000
You shall not covet that which your neighbor has $5,000


Dedication Opportunity - Prayer Passages Dedication Amount
Sh'ma $5,000
Priestly Blessing $5,000
Prayer for Healing $5,000
Mi Chamocha $3,600
Ma Tovu $3,600
Aleinu $3,600
V'ahavtah $3,600
Prayer/Blessing of your choosing $3,600


Dedication Opportunity - Specific Elements of the Text Dedication Amount
Parsha $3,600
Aliyah $1,800
Chapter $1,000
Verse $540
Word $72
Letter $36


Sponsor the Torah for Tomorrow

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784